If you are a regular reader, you likely noticed that since yesterday, my sites have been 404 at times. At first, I thought I broke something, because I am truly quite capable of breaking things. But then the sites came back… and stayed up.. until today, when they went down again. Firewall logs show a…
Category: Misc
Disappointing revelations about ACLU
Full disclosure at the top of this: I was a supporter of ACLU. I stopped supporting them years ago over concerns that they were sharing donor lists. Eventually, they convinced me to come back. I stopped supporting them again. And after reading Ashkan’s thread, I doubt I will ever donate to them again. Ashkan Soltani…
More privacy news from around the world….
A Vaccine Passport Is the New Golden Ticket as the World Reopens: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-25/covid-vaccine-passports-2021-the-golden-ticket-for-international-travel Get Ready to Show Your Vaccine Passport Everywhere: https://reason.com/2021/03/29/get-ready-to-show-your-vaccine-passport-everywhere/ Parliament calls for improved implementation and enforcement of the GDPR: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20210322IPR00527/parliament-calls-for-improved-implementation-and-enforcement-of-the-gdpr Russia- Roskomnadzor proposes expansion of personal data law to include foreign internet entities: https://rg.ru/2021/03/23/roskomnadzor-predlagaet-rasshirit-dejstvie-zakona-o-personalnyh-dannyh.html France- Data Protection Authority cast doubt on Apple’s…
Yale Researchers Create ‘Ancestry.com’ for Cells
Madeline Reyes reports: Scientists have developed a new state of the art technique to view a cell’s entire life story, allowing them to trace a single skin cell’s lineage from its earliest stage in embryonic development to its full maturity at adulthood. In a study published Thursday in the journal Science, a team of researchers…