Eric Goldman writes: The length and complexity of Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), makes it challenging for ordinary citizens to evaluate the proposal. Thus, it’s helpful to hear how members of the privacy community feel about it. They are in the best position to understand and interpret it, and they may have…
Category: Misc
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The European Data Protection Board Guidelines on the Targeting of Social Media Users: Revamped EU data transfer tool may be ready by Christmas: UK-The Biometric Forensics Ethics Group wants police to use genealogy websites to identify criminals: Kurdistan-KRG deputy premier orders start of second phase of facial recognition system: Mexico-Senate majority…
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Some other news stories that you may have missed but Joe Cadillic compiled for us all: MEPs raise concerns on EU plans for police facial recognition database: The “Markup Website Privacy Inspector” Allows Visitors To Check A Website’s Privacy Policies: Web sites shared over 100 trillion pieces of our personal data last year:…
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