An editorial from Katherine Mangu-Ward, the editor-in-chief of Reason, says, in part: Privacy is dead. We have killed it, you and I. It happened slowly and then all at once, much like falling in love. We traded away some of our privacy for convenience, with credit cards and GPS and cloud computing and toll transponders….
Category: Misc
FTC Releases Agenda for Workshop on Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Rule
FTC Releases Agenda for Workshop on Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Rule The Federal Trade Commission released the agenda for an October 7, 2019 workshop that will examine the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Rule in light of evolving business practices and new technology in the online marketplace. The FTC is holding the workshop as part…
Artificial intelligence being used in schools to detect self-harm and bullying
Rowland Manthorpe reports: One of England’s biggest academy chains is testing pupils’ mental health using an AI (artificial intelligence) tool which can predict self-harm, drug abuse and eating disorders, Sky News can reveal. A leading technology think tank has called the move “concerning”, saying “mission creep” could mean the test is used to stream pupils…
Want to learn more about the medical privacy rights of minors?
Jeff Drummond points us to an interesting for-fee webinar on the privacy rights of minors that healthcare providers need to know. The description: As a health care provider, don’t get caught in the middle. Gain an understanding of the rights of minors to medical privacy. Medical providers, schools, treatment facilities and others who come into…