The following tips article appeared on Instagram and is reproduced below with light editing courtesy of Jasun Tate, Chief Alchemist of Exploitation University and man behind the @bitsdigits Twitter handle. I actually already do some of the things he recommends, and I’ve occasionally considered taking out the trash myself depending on what papers or items…
Category: Misc
Resource: Privacy Law Fundamentals, Fifth Edition – Solove & Schwartz
This is not a freebie but if you want to get started learning about privacy law, Privacy Law Fundamentals will be a great investment in your knowledge. The authors are Daniel J. Solove, John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School, and Paul M. Schwartz, Professor of Law. U.C. Berkeley…
Medical DNA sequencing leads to lawsuits and legal questions
Jennifer Couzin-Frankel write: As DNA testing gallops ahead, doctors face wrenching questions about legal risks, protecting patients’ privacy, and the quality of the genetic information they’re providing—and they need help. That was one message from a symposium yesterday at the University of Minnesota (UMN) in Minneapolis. Leaders of a $2 million project called LawSeq are…
Our contradictory relationship to data privacy
Adam Kujawa writes that despite the fact that the public has repeatedly been made aware of the misuse of communications data by governments and businesses, we have not changed our ways. Since then, the abuse and misuse of communications data are believed to have been instrumental in affecting the outcome of both the 2016 US…