With all the energy and passion about student privacy and data protection this week, I was thrilled to hear that the Future of Privacy Forum has released a new Policymaker‘s Guide to Student Data Privacy. I missed the webinar that coincided with the launch because I was at the International Privacy + Security Forum, but I…
Category: Misc
Final Version, “Compelled Decryption and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination”
Orin Kerr writes: I am pleased to say that the Texas Law Review has published the final version of my article on how the Fifth Amendment applies to compelling a person to enter a password: Compelled Decryption and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination. This article has roots in some blog posts that I wrote here at…
Reidenberg et al. Article on Trustworthy Privacy Indicators
Thanks to Jeff Sovern of Public Citizen, for making us aware of a new article by Joel Reidenberg and his colleagues. Here’s the abstract from Trustworthy Privacy Indicators: Grades, Labels, Certifications and Dashboards, 96 Washington University Law Review (2019). Despite numerous groups’ efforts to score, grade, label, and rate the privacy of websites, apps, and…
Where do 2020 Democratic candidates stand on internet privacy?
Claire Goforth tries to give us a sense of where the current crop of 2020 wannabe nominees stand on Internet Privacy. There’s a lot to read through, but it’s nice to see so many candidates at least *saying* the right things. Read her roundup on Daily Dot.