Ignacio Cofone and Adriana Robertson have an article in a forthcoming issue of University of Toronto Law Journal. Here is the abstract: “I have nothing to hide” is among the most common and controversial arguments against privacy. In this article, we challenge this argument on its own terms. To do so, we construct a mathematical model combining…
Category: Misc
Safe Sharing Sites
Lisa M. Austin and David Lie have an article in a forthcoming issue of N.Y.U. L. Rev. Here is the abstract: In this paper we argue that data-sharing is an activity that sits at the crossroads of privacy concerns and the broader challenges of data governance surrounding access and use. Using the Sidewalk Toronto “smart…
Truth Decay: Deep Fakes and the Implications for Privacy, National Security, and Democracy
Maryland Law Review – Spring 2019 Symposium Truth Decay: Deep Fakes and the Implications for Privacy, National Security, and Democracy It is an age-old truism that humans lie. But now they possess the analytic skills and resources to separate fact from fiction, reality from illusion. In recent years, emerging technologies have allowed for the widespread…
Happy New Year 2019
Here’s hoping that 2019 will be a less stressful year than 2018 was, and that we will see better privacy protections and less tolerance for corporate misuse of our personal data. More coffee would be good, too. And for Joe Cadillic, how about less surveillance?