So there’s a lot of great stuff out there on why Net Neutrality is important and we should fight/advocate for it, but the ACLU has outdone itself with this segment explaining why net neutrality is important. Have a laugh on them while you learn something.
Category: Misc
HK: Privacy: From Principles to Practice” – Privacy Awareness Week 2018
SME Privacy Protection Campaign Launches to Gather Wisdom and Build Sustainable Competitive Advantage The office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD), together with members of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), launches the “Privacy Awareness Week 2018” (PAW 2018) from 7 to 13 May. The theme of PAW 2018 in Hong…
Is Privacy Dead?
Jennifer Rothman writes: After hours of testimony before Congress by Mark Zuckerberg about how our personal information was harvested from Facebook, it’s hard not to wonder if privacy can survive the digital age. Lost in the dominant discussion of the technology both by the technocrats and the Luddites, is the reality that this is not…
Even Privacy Advocates Are Tracking You Online
Joshua Brustein reports: The primary purpose of Californians for Consumer Privacy, an advocacy group formed by San Francisco real estate developer Alastair Mactaggart, is to push for a ballot initiative adding restrictions on companies that profit from the collection of personal data. Last week, it gave state officials a petition with over 600,000 signatures, which should…