After a year in which we witnessed so much bigotry from those who should be uniting us, I thought this New Year’s message should be to celebrate our diversity, as that’s what made this country great.
Category: Misc
PogoWasRight is off for the holiday
We’ll return on December 26th. If you’re celebrating, have a Merry Christmas!
FTC: Informational Injury Workshop
On now… tune in: Informational Injury Workshop Tuesday, December 12, 2017 9:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST Constitution Center, Washington, D.C. Roundtable page and agenda:
FTC Releases Agenda for Workshop on Informational Injury
Nov. 28 – The Federal Trade Commission released the final agenda for its December 12, 2017 workshop examining questions about the injuries consumers suffer when information about them is misused. Acting FTC Chairman Maureen K. Ohlhausen will provide opening remarks at the workshop. The event will include panel discussions focused on the types of negative outcomes…