Canadian privacy lawyer David T.S. Fraser blogs: I had the honour of being invited to speak to the Canadian Bar Association’s Alberta branch earlier this week about cross-border privacy issues. We have had to deal with them rather acutely in Nova Scotia since the passage of the Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act (PIIDPA), which…
Category: Surveillance
ID cards required to use public internet – UAE gov’t
The UAE’s Ministry of Interior has said that ID cards will be required to access the internet in cafes and public centres throughout the country. According to the Department of Public Information Security, the new regulations are intended to identify suspected cyber criminals and stop fraud, sexual exploitation of children, and the circulation of pornographic…
Every move I make, every step I take, they’ll be watching me
If you are not already familiar with Erasing David, a documentary about privacy, surveillance, and the database state, you may want to read this article by David Bond in the London Evening Standard about his experience trying to hide while others tried to find him. It’s a chilling demonstration of how much information about us…
Commission told to re-negotiate controversial US bank data transfer
The European Commission has been given a fresh mandate to negotiate with the US on that country’s access to European banking records. The last agreement was rejected by the European Parliament. Whatever new deal the Commission and US authorities come to must be approved by a majority of EU states and by the Parliament. […]…