I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear that law enforcement is asking for “flexibility” when it comes to our privacy or civil liberties, I have a Pavlovian “uh-oh” response. Brad Swenson reports: State lawmakers may consider a special category for data to allow law enforcement more investigative options, says Sen. Mary Olson. “With…
Category: Surveillance
Orin Kerr: Does the Fourth Amendment Prohibit Warrantless GPS Surveillance?
Orin Kerr provides his analysis and views on the issue over on The Volokh Conspiracy. Does the Fourth Amendment require a warrant to conduct surveillance of a government-installed GPS device, such as a device installed on a suspect’s car to monitor the car’s location? This issue comes up occasionally, and the DC Circuit has a…
New Swedish law draft for centralized internet and telephony interception
From WikiLeaks.org: This file presents a draft law for internet and telephony spying from the Swedish department of justice. The document was mentioned, but not released, by Svenska Dagbladet on Dec 12, 2009 [1]. The legislation is aimed at giving Swedish police and domestic intelligence the power to automatically intercept internet traffic that passes through…
AU: Human rights? Sorry, we’d rather strip-search children
Chris Berg writes in The Age: What’s the point of having a charter of human rights if it just gets ignored? The Summary Offences and Control of Weapons Acts Amendment 2009 is burrowing its way through State Parliament at the moment. Designed to tackle ”knife violence”, this bill will give police an extraordinary new array…