Jaikumar Vijayan reports: A decision by lawmakers to slash funding for the unpopular Real ID national driver’s license program has put an already struggling initiative on life support. The U.S. Senate recently approved a $43 billion budget for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the federal government’s 2010 fiscal year, which began Oct. 1….
Category: Surveillance
The “techie” side of “Getting It Right”
Jim Burrows writes: The following posting is intended as part of the background information for a forthcoming Get FISA Right chat on the technological issues in “getting FISA right” or more generally balancing needed foreign intelligence gathering with the rights reserved and protected in the Constitution. We eagerly seek your comments here and your participation…
Weaknesses in CALEA Wiretaps
Matt Blaze writes: This week in Chicago, Micah Sherr, Gaurav Shah, Eric Cronin, Sandy Clark, and I have a paper at the ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference (CCS) that’s getting a bit more attention than I expected. The paper, Can They Hear Me Now? A Security Analysis of Law Enforcement Wiretaps [pdf] examines the…
Ie: School in row over CCTV cameras in bathrooms
From the Irish Examiner: A Kildare school is at the centre of a dispute over CCTV cameras in the bathrooms. It follows a walk out by students at Scoile Mhurie in Clane in protest over the installation fo (sic) the cameras in the school toilets. The board of managment (sic) at the school is insisting…