Last week’s drama in Maricopa County, Arizona over access to and control over the criminal justice database continued this week in court and in the media. Tuesday, Chief Deputy Dave Hendershott of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office agreed to share computer passwords to the criminal justice computer system with other county agencies that used the…
Category: Surveillance
Feds invoke national secrets in wiretap case
The Obama administration, trying to derail a lawsuit over former President George W. Bush’s authority to wiretap Americans without court permission, has refused to take a position on the program’s legality and says a federal judge can’t decide that question because the crucial facts are national secrets. A ruling on whether Bush exceeded his constitutional…
Teen admits shooting upskirt images
A 15-year-old Emmaus High School student who admitted in juvenile court Friday that he took hundreds of upskirt photos and videos of female classmates and teachers was electronically shackled by a Lehigh County judge. While his final punishment must still be decided, Judge Kelly L. Banach ordered the Upper Milford Township boy not to use…
UK to share fingerprint data with other countries
The UK is to share fingerprint information with Canada and Australia, with the US and New Zealand to follow soon, the Home Office said today. The collaboration will make it easier to detect people with criminal histories in other countries, speed up deportations and establish previously unknown identities, the Home Office said. The new data-sharing…