For the past three and a half years there has been a major debate over the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping program. This program, which involved the surveillance of communications between Americans and people outside of the country, began shortly after September 11. It was brought to public light in December 2005, was the subject…
Category: Surveillance
Fourth Amendment rights end at the water’s edge has posted an excerpt from the court’s order on motions to dismiss (pdf) in Ibrahim v. Dep’t of Homeland Sec., a case that involved an alien being detained and searched after erroneously being placed on the no-fly list. The court held that although an alien’s rights are constitutionally protected while they are on U.S….
Different ID card for Irish nationals
People in Northern Ireland who identify themselves as Irish will receive a different ID card to those who identify themselves as British. Following the unveiling of the ID card’s design, it has been revealed that the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) must respect identity rights under the Belfast Agreement and issue a separate ID card…
Erin Andrews 911 call
The Huffington Post has the audio tape of Erin Andrews calling 911 about paparazzi sitting in a car outside of her house and looking at her through her window. Her private security was not around, so she called 911 as she had been advised to do. Andrews told the 911 operator “I cannot believe these…