Daryna Antoniuk reports: The founder of the popular messaging app Telegram stated that the recently announced updates to the platform’s terms of service don’t represent a big change in how it interacts with law enforcement, as the company has been disclosing criminal data to authorities for years. “My previous post may have seemed to announce…
Category: Surveillance
FTC Report Confirms: Commercial Surveillance is Out of Control
Lena Cohen writes: A new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report confirms what EFF has been warning about for years: tech giants are widely harvesting and sharing your personal information to fuel their online behavioral advertising businesses. This four-year investigation into the data practices of nine social media and video platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, and X (formally Twitter),…
Reasonable expectation of privacy in Facebook private messages — Florida Fourth District Court of Appeals
John Wesley Hall writes: (1) Florida’s 4th DCA finds a reasonable expectation of privacy in Facebook private messages as analogous to cell phone text messages. (2) When the records were seized under a warrant for a theft, they couldn’t be searched for evidence of this crime, a shooting. Therefore, the good faith exception is not…
Telegram’s Durov announces new crackdown on illegal content
AFP reports: Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more “problematic content”, weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app. Telegram’s search feature “has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods”,…