Trevor Timm writes: A few months ago, EFF warned of a secretive new surveillance tool being used by the FBI in cases around the country commonly referred to as a “Stingray.” Recently, more information on the device has come to light and it makes us even more concerned than before. The device, which acts as a fake…
Category: U.S.
ACLU Files FOIA Request for Unreleased DHS Privacy Report on Laptop Searches at the Border
Katie Haas writes: Aiming to determine the impact of border searches on Americans’ civil liberties, the Department of Homeland Security has produced a report on its policy of combing through and sometimes confiscating travelers’ laptops, cell phones, and other electronic devices—even when there is no suspicion of wrongdoing. The report was completed sometime between October…
Washington State’s Proposed Employer Social Media Law: The Legislature Should Take a Cautious Approach — SB 5211
Venkat Balasubramani writes: [Washington State’s Proposed Employer Social Media Password Legislation – SB 5211] Eric previously posted on his concerns about California’s law restricting employer access to social media accounts. The Washington State Senate recently proposed a law (SB 5211) and it suffers from many of the similar problems. Summary: The proposed law prohibits both public and private employers…
In a Major Privacy Victory, Seattle Mayor Orders Police to Dismantle Its Drone Program After Protests
Wow. Trevor Timm writes: In an amazing victory for privacy advocates and drone activists, yesterday, Seattle’s mayor ordered the city’s police agency to cease trying use surveillance drones and dismantle its drone program. The police will return the two drones they previously purchased with a Department of Homeland Security grant to the manufacturer. EFF has been warning…