More on audio surveillance on public buses from The Daily and Wired, sent in by Joe Cadillic.
Category: U.S.
Warrantless Surveillance 101: Introducing EFF’s New NSA Domestic Spying Guide
Mark M. Jaycox and Trevor Timm write: On December 14th, EFF is back in federal court challenging the NSA’s domestic spying program in our long-running case Jewel v. NSA. In anticipation of our court appearance, we’ve launched a new section of our website to give everyone a clear understanding how the NSA warrantless wiretapping program works and…
Deep Dive: ECPA and the Future of Electronic Privacy
From EFF: In most issues of EFFector, we give an overview of all the work we’re doing at EFF right now. Today, we’re trying something new: doing a deep dive into a single issue. If our readers find this valuable, we’ll try to give you an EFFector Deep Dive every few months. Yesterday was a…
Patriot Act can ‘obtain’ data in Europe, researchers say
Zack Whittaker reports on a story that I mentioned on about how the Dutch are concerned that the U.S. government will be able to access Dutch patients’ medical records because the firm developing the records system is a U.S. firm with a branch in Europe. Read Zack’s more in-depth coverage of the research and…