From EFF: In most issues of EFFector, we give an overview of all the work we’re doing at EFF right now. Today, we’re trying something new: doing a deep dive into a single issue. If our readers find this valuable, we’ll try to give you an EFFector Deep Dive every few months. Yesterday was a…
Category: U.S.
Patriot Act can ‘obtain’ data in Europe, researchers say
Zack Whittaker reports on a story that I mentioned on about how the Dutch are concerned that the U.S. government will be able to access Dutch patients’ medical records because the firm developing the records system is a U.S. firm with a branch in Europe. Read Zack’s more in-depth coverage of the research and…
No warrant, no problem: How the government can still get your digital data
Theodoric Meyer and Peter Maass of ProPublica write: The US government isn’t allowed to wiretap American citizens without a warrant from a judge. But there are plenty of legal ways for law enforcement, from the local sheriff to the FBI, to snoop on the digital trails you create every day. Authorities can often obtain your…
Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History
WashingtonsBlog writes: TechDirt notes: In a radio interview, Wall Street Journal reporter Julia Angwin (who’s been one of the best at covering the surveillance state in the US) made a simple observation that puts much of this into context: the US surveillance regime has more data on the average American than the Stasi ever did on East Germans. Indeed,…