Naomi Gilens writes: Justice Department documents released today by the ACLU reveal that federal law enforcement agencies are increasingly monitoring Americans’ electronic communications, and doing so without warrants, sufficient oversight, or meaningful accountability. The documents, handed over by the government only after months of litigation, are the attorney general’s 2010 and 2011 reports on the use of “pen register”…
Category: U.S.
Court Responds to EPIC Petition, Expects Body Scanner Rule by March 2013
How many times will the courts bend over for TSA at our expense? EPIC reports: The Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit has issued a ruling on EPIC’s recent petition regarding the controversial body scanner program. EPIC had urged the court to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to begin a public comment process or suspend the program….
Case highlights differing laws protecting education records
Adam B. Sullivan has a report in the Iowa City Press-Citizen that shows how confusing it can be to determine when a student’s educational records can be disclosed. University of Iowa leaders are standing by their decision to release grades, test scores and other personal information about an alleged criminal while one of the school’s…
EPIC Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Review of Wiretapping Programs
From EPIC: Today EPIC filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court in Clapper v. Amnesty International USA, a case challenging the interception of communications of US persons under foreign intelligence surveillance laws. This case presents the issue of constitutional “standing,” whether the journalists and human rights organizations who brought he lawsuit can establish an imminent…