Records posted online by the DHS in response to one of our FOIA requests confirm that, as we suspected, DHS headquarters has been illegally blocking release of documents we have requested, and to which we are entitled, under the Freedom of Information Act, in order to subject them to higher-level political review and an illegal requirement for higher-level political approval…
Category: U.S.
Refuse breath test? Not in Lafourche
Raymond Legendre reports: Lafourche has become the second Louisiana parish to enforce a DWI “no-refusal” policy at all times. Sheriff Craig Webre announced the action Tuesday. The Sheriff’s Office experimented with the program three times this year in its ongoing effort to reduce drunk-driving deaths and remove drunk drivers from the parish’s roadways. Starting yesterday,…
TSA agent pulls a woman’s blouse down, exposing breasts – lawsuit
An Amarillo woman is suing the federal government for intentional infliction of emotional distress after Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents allegedly humiliated the woman when her breasts were publicly exposed during an “extended search” two years ago at a Corpus Christi airport. The suit, filed earlier this year in Amarillo’s U.S. District Court, alleges the…
Article: A Fourth Amendment for the Poor Alone: Subconstitutional Status and the Myth of the Inviolate Home
Jordan C. Budd of the University of New Hampshire School of Law has an article in the Indiana Law Journal (Vol. 85, No. 2, 2010). Here’s the abstract: For much of our nation’s history, the poor have faced pervasive discrimination in the exercise of fundamental rights. Nowhere has the impairment been more severe than in…