Arek Sarkissian reports: Florida abortion rights advocates, who have seen access to the procedure erode in the state and nationally in recent years, reached a major milestone that could shape abortion access throughout the south. Groups seeking a constitutional amendment protecting abortion on Friday secured enough state-certified signatures by the Feb. 1 deadline to put a referendum…
Category: U.S.
Man Lacks Privacy Interest in Nevada Opioid Prescription Records
Holly Barker reports: A California man challenging a pair of GPS tracking warrants that he claimed rested on an unconstitutional search of Nevada’s prescription monitoring program database lost his Ninth Circuit appeal after the court said he had no legitimate expectation of privacy in his records. Pointing to the government’s “long-standing and pervasive regulation of…
‘No privacy’: Is the Georgia DMV allowed to use your ID for this?
Ciara Cummings reports: Going to the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles and getting your picture taken is expected, but the agency is also keeping that photo in a facial recognition system. According to the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS), it does so to help law enforcement in cases of specific violent crimes. However, some state lawmakers were…
Happy New Year 2024
I found myself hard-pressed this year to figure out what to say about privacy in 2024. Of course, I wish you all a happy and healthy new year, but what do we say about privacy in 2024? Have we all become so accustomed to privacy breaches and data breaches by now that we will just…