Megan Twohey reports: A private program that has long kept secret watch over Illinois doctors receiving substance-abuse treatment is now monitoring health care professionals with sexual misconduct violations — including some convicted of crimes. Begun several decades ago by the state’s doctors’ lobby, the Illinois Professionals Health Program has drawn criticism for the off-the-books nature…
Category: Workplace
MN: Teachers named in cases involving student bullying are now suing about privacy
Dennis Carlson, superintendent of the Anoka-Hennepin School District in Minnesota, has been trying to “correct inaccurate statements about students who have committed suicide over the past year.” Mr. Carlson has always publicly stated that school officials did not ignore reports from parents and students about anti-gay bullying, like the kind that led Justin Aaberg to…
St. Petersburg police officer’s testimony exposes practice of disabling GPS trackers
Jamal Thalji and Curtis Krueger report: Officer Christopher Dixon went on trial last week on charges that he rear-ended a van with his marked St. Petersburg police cruiser, then sped off. The trial exposed some embarrassing revelations for the St. Petersburg Police Department when Dixon testified that he disabled the tracking device on his police…
AU: Parliament porn users’ ID a secret
Alexandra Smith reports: The NSW Parliament will not discipline or even identify staff members or MPs who used the parliamentary computer system to access websites that contained ”sexually explicit images of young people”. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Richard Torbay, and the President of the Legislative Council, Amanda Fazio, have declared the matter closed…