Have you ever been tempted to try to find out what information about you is out there in databases? Matt Roper did just that, and sent out requests under the UK’s Data Protection Act to 46 organizations, requesting copies of all of his information. What he got back was a 2-foot high pile of records…
Category: Workplace
Employer online monitoring meets resistance
[…] Deloitte LLP’s 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey, released in May, found a big gap between employers and employees on whether businesses should be able to monitor Internet behavior off the clock. Sixty percent of the business executives surveyed said they had a right to know how their organizations were portrayed by employees in online…
Password-protected comments off limits to boss
In a time when chat rooms, social networking and online forums are commonplace, how far can a company go in monitoring them for negative comments from discontented employees before they are guilty of “cybersnooping”? A case decided last week, involving two servers at the Houston’s Restaurant in Hackensack, posed that question, and a federal jury…
AP Issues Strict Facebook, Twitter Guidelines to Staff
The Associated Press is adopting a stringent social-networking policy for its employees, informing them to police their Facebook profiles “to make sure material posted by others doesn’t violate AP standards.” The policy (.pdf) comes weeks after an AP reporter was reprimanded for posting a comment to his own Facebook profile criticizing the Sacramento-based newspaper chain…