Lesley Fair writes: Does your company use background checks in evaluating job applicants? If so, are you complying with the Fair Credit Reporting Act’s notice, consent, and disclosure requirements? A closing letter the FTC staff sent to California Health & Wellness elaborates on the applicability – or, in this instance, the inapplicability – of a narrow FCRA exception….
Category: Workplace
Surveillance Society: Pennsylvania lags in privacy protection measures
Rich Lord reports: If your boss calls you into the corner office and demands your Facebook password, you can refuse with impunity in 23 states — though not in Pennsylvania. A state with individualistic roots running from the Declaration of Independence to the Whiskey Rebellion isn’t among the nearly two dozen that bar employers from…
Teacher Who Blogged Pseudonymously About Students Being “Rat-Like” or “Dunderheads” Loses Appeal
Venkat Balasubramani provides an update on a case they’ve been covering since the git-go: This case involved a teacher who maintained a pseudonymous blog that, along with her personal observations and musings, chronicled some of her frustrations with students. One post in particular talked about her challenges with providing tailored feedback for her students, and the…
Argentina: Data Protection and Privacy in the workplace – new ruling
Data Privacy Laws reports: The Labor court of Appeals of Buenos Aires (Argentina) issued a new ruling related to labor privacy. The case started when the company Fischer Argentina installed in all the smart phones of its vendors a software app (called Show position) that allowed the company to monitor the physical location of the employee. The…