Amelia Vance of the Future of Privacy Forum has an excellent commentary in the Orlando Sentinel that begins: After the horrific school shooting in Parkland last year, state legislators passed a law that included a little-noticed provision creating a new government database. Education Week recently reported that the database will include a vast range of…
Category: Youth & Schools
Lawsuits Claim Amazon’s Alexa Voice Assistant Illegally Records Children Without Consent
Tom McKay reports: A pair of federal lawsuits against Amazon seeking class action status allege that the e-commerce giant’s Alexa voice assistant technology “routinely records and voiceprints millions of children without their consent or the consent of their parents,” breaking laws in nine states, the Seattle Times reported on Wednesday. Per the Recorder, the two…
Education Dept. Finds Privacy Violation in Charter Network’s Discussion of Student
Mark Walsh reports: The U.S. Department of Education has found that Success Academy Charter Schools violated the federal student privacy law by disclosing personally identifiable information from the education records of a student in a controversy over the charter network’s suspension practices. The department’s Student Privacy Policy Office wrote to Success Academy founder and CEO…
SG: School’s random drug test not in breach of law, says PDPC
K.C. Vijayan reports: A test case decided by the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) has clarified how random drug tests for international school students stand with data protection laws here. The commission held, after a probe into a parent’s complaint about his son’s hair sample being taken by the German European School Singapore (GESS), that…