Scott O’Connell reports: Teachers and School Committee members are looking for answers from the School Department in the wake of the district’s release of personal information for thousands of school employees to a testing company last year. According to Worcester Superintendent Maureen Binienda, the district’s IT department opted to use the last four digits of…
Category: Youth & Schools
What Every Edtech Company Needs to Know About Schools and Data Privacy
Sarah Rasheed writes: The data privacy landscape looks a lot different than it did even a few years ago. New federal and state laws—and a greater focus on the issue by districts—are giving edtech companies a lot to consider. Specifically, companies may run into roadblocks with legal or data privacy officers if they don’t meet…
Chinese school under fire for buying tracking bracelets for students
Lily Kuo reports: A high school in southern China has come under fire for buying “smart bracelets” to track its students. Guangdong Guangya High school has purchased 3,500 bracelets that would record students heart rate and physical activity, as well as the number of times a pupil raised his or her hand in class, according…
Big Brother Steps Closer as Parents Shackle Teens to Ankle Monitors
Jean Trounstine reports: A perfect example of George Orwell’s terrifying view of a society under government surveillance has arrived in the form of ankle monitors for your teens. For parents who “need to keep track of [their] teenager at all times,” Tampa Bay Monitoring in Clearwater, Florida, is selling GPS tracking — similar to the…