From the road-to-Hell-has-been-traveled-too-frequently dept. Carrie Seidman has a commentary on Florida law that all parents of Florida students should read, and parents in other states should take note of in case the same provision is proposed in their states. Seidman writes, in part: Buried amid the school security measures swiftly passed by the Florida Legislature…
Category: Youth & Schools
The Information on School Websites Is Not as Safe as You Think
E.K. Moore reports: The home page of Pinellas County Schools in Florida is brimming with information for families, students, staff members and the public: an easy-to-use dashboard of news, shortcuts and links to the district’s Facebook page, Twitter feed and YouTube channel. But Pinellas’s home page has been supplying information to another audience, an unseen…
For Sale: Survey Data on Millions of High School Students
Natasha Singer has a must-read report on how businesses are compiling and selling student data. If you are a parent or student privacy advocate, be sure to read her entire article. Here’s how it begins, but there’s a lot of meat to it, and she names names. Three thousand high school students from across the…
Judge rebukes Buffalo Schools as he agrees to hear arguments on releasing records
Jay Rey reports: The federal magistrate behind the controversial order to release names and admissions scores of hundreds of students from City Honors and Hutchinson Central Technical School is now raising privacy concerns, as well. But U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah J. McCarthy also rebuked Buffalo Public Schools for not bringing up this issue before his…