Austin Berg writes: Paul Boron is 13 years old. And he’s facing a felony eavesdropping charge that could change the course of the rest of his life. His story stands as another chapter of controversy surrounding an eavesdropping law some experts have criticized as ripe for abuse and misapplication. On Feb. 16, 2018, Boron was…
Category: Youth & Schools
Mere presence of transgender student in bathroom of gender identity violates no privacy right of plaintiffs
Plaintiffs objected to transgender students using school bathrooms in accord with their gender identity claiming a right of privacy. The district court denied an injunction and they appealed. The Third Circuit affirmed because there was no infringement on their privacy rights. The privacy cases plaintiffs cited were “wholly unhelpful to our analysis.” Read an excerpt…
How does your school secure students’ personal data?
Gary Stern reports: Only one parent came to a “public forum” Wednesday in Harrison about the state Education Department’s efforts to protect student data from theft and misuse. Since protecting our personal information is one of the hottest issues of the day, and parents generally want to look out for their kids, we’ll chalk up the…
Scholastic Makes Misleading Privacy, Security Claims in Services Directed to Children
Doug Levin dives into, and his findings should be of concern to all of us. He writes, in part: This analysis focuses on a sample of online-only games and services (including publicly visible forums and chat rooms) offered by Scholastic within the subdomains at *, as well as related mobile-specific apps. All would appeal…