From the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information: Newsworthy video from school surveillance cameras can’t be withheld from the public on the grounds of student privacy, a group of open-government groups argues in a brief filed with a Pennsylvania appeals court. The brief, authored by the Brechner Center’s Frank LoMonte and David Jadon, supports television…
Category: Youth & Schools
Bloomz responds to Boca News Now article on their app recently linked to, and excerpted, an article that appeared on Boca News Now, called, Is your child’s teacher using Bloomz? It’s NOT Approved In Palm Beach County Schools. Post-publication, BocaNewsNow apparently heard from Bloomz, and BNN issued a small update to their story. Bloomz also contacted this site and asked me to post their response….
Is your child’s teacher using Bloomz? It’s NOT Approved In Palm Beach County Schools
Post-publication, PogoWasRight received an email from Bloomz, challenging the accuracy of BocaNewsnow’s reporting. I have posted their full response as a separate post to ensure that it shows up in people’s news feeds, rather than just updating this post, and I do hope that everyone reads their response. The original post appears below: BocaNewsNow…
New US Dept of Ed Finding: Schools Cannot Require Parents or Students to Waive Their FERPA Rights Through Ed Tech Company’s Terms of Service
Lindsey Barrett and Amelia Vance of the Future of Privacy Forum discuss an important letter from the U.S. Department of Education in response to a parent complaint about whether an ed tech company contracted with a school can require the student to waive any protections under FERPA. From the US DOE’s response: “A parent or…