I usually post this kind of thing over on DataBreaches.net, but maybe posting this here will reach parents I might not otherwise reach. Children’s Social Security Numbers are highly desirable to criminals. Why? Because most parents are not likely to even check to see if anyone else is using or misusing their child’s SSN. So…
Category: Youth & Schools
Students’ Cellphones Could Be Seized, Searched Under Proposed CT Bill
Cheyenne Haslett reports: A bill before the legislature’s education committee would allow students’ mobile devices to be searched by school officials, but only under limited circumstances. Under the proposal, a school employee would be able to take a device – including cellphones, tablets or laptops – from a student if there is reasonable suspicion the student…
Concord High School Rocked By Nude Video Scandal [UPDATED]
CBS reports: Concord high school administrator was the victim in a scandal Monday after a nude video illegally taken by a student inside a locker room at a private club was distributed on social media. Outside Clayton Valley Charter High School, Monday afternoon, confused parents approached KPIX 5 cameras waiving suspension slips for their children looking…
Data from connected CloudPets teddy bears leaked due to misconfigured database; 820,000 kids’ files exposed
Troy Hunt reports that a misconfigured MongoDB installation resulted in audio files of children’s and parents’ conversations recorded by CloudPets being exposed in a Shodan search. And as we’ve seen many other times, the exposed files were deleted by an attacker, and a purported “ransom” note left in place of the database – a ransom note that was then…