So kids take steps to protect their privacy, and rather than respect that, some parents take countermeasures to invade their privacy in the name of protecting them? CBS reports: Parents are using spyware in an effort to monitor their children’s social media interactions. CBS2’s Emily Smith reported different types of spyware can combat against free…
Category: Youth & Schools
Students in California now have more protection for their information
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed AB 2097 into law. The bill, introduced by Assemblymember Melissa Melendez in February in response to a court order ordering the state to turn over information on 10 million students to a non-profit organization, prohibits school districts from gathering Social Security numbers and sharing information for students except when required by federal law….
Girls Must Answer Questions On Period, Pregnancy To Enter This University In Rajasthan
Punita Maheshwari reports: She turned the page, and there it stared at her, unblinking, insistent, and bold: “What was the last date of menstruation?” Stunned, she stole a glance around. Nobody was looking at her. But, caught on the wrong foot, it took her a solid minute to compose herself. Should she answer the question?…
NZ: Stockpiling pupils’ data jars with right to privacy
David Small writes: I received a phone call this week from a colleague at another university asking me to pass on information about somebody who had previously studied with me. Unpersuaded by reassurances that it would help the student to receive the best education at the new university, I refused and suggested the caller ask…