In Part 2 of his series, Joe Cadillic writes: DHS’s ‘Visual Analytics for Command, Control and Interoperability Environments‘ or VACCINE as it’s commonly referred to is being taught to school kids. Teachers instructed by DHS are teaching K-12 students that spying on innocent Americans is ok. “VACCINE’s mission is to educate current homeland security stakeholders and the next generation…
Category: Youth & Schools
Huffington Post ‘Right To Privacy’ Looks Very Different For Conservatives Who Defend Anti-Trans Bathroom Laws
Cristian Farias writes: A number of lawsuits are now underway in North Carolina over its enforcement of HB2, the controversial law that, among other provisions, bars transgender students from using restrooms that align with their gender identity. The main two are the federal government’s action against North Carolina and the state’s own pushback against the Justice Department for “overreach” — each…
A look at digital habits of 13 year olds shows desire for privacy, face-to-face time
Cory Doctorow writes: Sonia Livingstone, an LSE social psychology prof, gives us a peek into the results from The Class, a year-long, deep research project into the digital lives and habits of a class of 13 year olds at an ordinary school. Livingstone and her research partner, Julian Sefton-Green, published their findings in a book from…
Schools are now ‘soft targets’ for companies to collect data and market to kids — report
Valerie Strauss reports: Schools have become “soft targets” for companies trying to gather data and market to children because of the push in education to adopt new technology and in part because of the rise of computer-administered Common Core tests, according to a new annual report. The report, titled “Learning to be Watched: Surveillance Culture at…