Virginia Gordan reports that two bills to protect student data privacy have passed the Michigan Senate. One bill would bar the State and school districts from selling personally identifiable information in K-12 student educational records to for-profit businesses. It also would require school districts to let parents know, upon request and without charge, any information…
Category: Youth & Schools
UK: ALC and NYAS publish report on anonymized court judgments involving children and risk of “jigsaw identification”
Family Law writes: Dr Julia Brophy (with Kate Perry and Eleanor Harrison) has published the next stage in her research on children involved in the family courts, and their confidentiality. ‘A review of anonymised judgments on Bailii: Children, privacy and “jigsaw identification”’published by the Association of Lawyers for Children (ALC) and the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS),…
Haiku Learning, Verificient Technologies Sign Student Privacy Pledge (updated)
You can find Haiku Learning‘s press release about signing it here. Verificient Technologies, Inc., a technology company specializing in identity authentication and online remote proctoring, has now also signed the pledge.
Data mining Instagram feeds can point to teenage drinking patterns
From the University of Rochester: Instagram could offer a novel way of monitoring the drinking habits of teenagers. Using photos and text from Instagram, a team of researchers from the University of Rochester has shown that this data can not only expose patterns of underage drinking more cheaply and faster than conventional surveys, but also…