D. Frank Smith reports: The federal government may be legally powerless to protect data collected from students taking massive open online courses (MOOCs), according to a U.S. Department of Education spokeswoman, and two of the largest MOOC platforms disagree on the boundaries of the law in question. MOOC platforms have amassed a treasure trove of…
Category: Youth & Schools
Complaint Says Ring Pop Campaign Violated Children’s Privacy
Natasha Singer reports: In many ways, it was a typical social media marketing campaign featuring user-generated content — only this promotion involved a brand popular with children. Earlier this year, the company behind Ring Pop, a jewel-shaped sucking candy on a plastic ring, ran a contest called #RockThatRock. It invited users to post photos on Facebook, Twitter…
Controversial Ask.fm will retain anonymity despite links to deaths of bullied teenagers
Niall O’Connor and Adrian Weckler report: Controversial social media site Ask.fm has vowed to retain its anonymous nature despite being linked to the deaths of several teenagers. The website is moving to Ireland and faces a battle to rebuild its image after being bought by US online giant Ask.com. Read more on Independent.ie.
Unsealed Files Reveal Details of Prior Restraint Case Against Law Tribune
Thomas B. Scheffey and Paul Sussman report: When a judge first barred the Connecticut Law Tribune from publishing an article on a child custody dispute, First Amendment lawyers and media experts noted that prior restraint of the press was usually reserved for matters involving public danger or a national emergency. But court documents unsealed Dec. 3 reveal…