Let’s compile massive databases on students where the databases are riddled with errors. It’s good preparation for when they’re adults and have credit reports. Howard Blume reports: The rollout of a new student records system for Los Angeles schools was problematic at just about every level, according to a consultant’s report released Thursday. […] In…
Category: Youth & Schools
Getting Caught Up: News You May Have Missed
Below are links to news developments or commentaries published during the two days that PogoWasRight.org was unavailable. They are semi-organized by topic, with some overlap between sections. Great thanks to Joe Cadillic, who helped me keep track of what I needed to save while the site was suffering from Table Dysfunction Disorder: Businesses: Suspect in rape/abduction…
Steve McDonald on Cloud Computing and FERPA (video interview)
From SafeGov.org: Tracy Mitrano, former director of IT Policy and current Director of the Internet Culture, Policy, and Law Program (ICPL) at Cornell University, recently sat down with Steve McDonald, General Counsel at the Rhode Island School of Design and a well-known expert on FERPA. Mitrano interviewed McDonald on a range of issues covering FERPA…
Princeton U. files motion opposing anonymity in suit challenging mental health policies
Chitra Marti reports: The University has filed an opposition to the plaintiff’s motion to proceed anonymously in the mental health lawsuit filed last March. The plaintiff, a student who currently uses the pseudonym W.P. in the lawsuit, filed with his lawsuit an application to proceed anonymously and protect his identity from public disclosure. The University’s…