NECN reports: It takes less than a minute to enter a child’s information into a national missing person’s database. All it takes is a photo, some general information like height and weight, and a quick scan of your eyes.“The eyes don’t lie,” said Lewis Evangelidis, the Worcester City sheriff. “The eyes are the identification.”It’s a…
Category: Youth & Schools
Bobby Jindal signs student privacy bill pushed by Common Core opponents
Julia O’Donoghue reports: Gov. Bobby Jindal signed a bill Tuesday that will add significant new layers of security to prevent data about Louisiana elementary and secondary students from being shared without parental consent. Most of the changes related to the new law are expected to take place next spring and summer. Read more on
Congressional hearing tomorrow (June 25): “How Data Mining Threatens Student Privacy”
Joint Hearing: Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education and the Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies. Date: June 25, 2014 “How Data Mining Threatens Student Privacy” The joint hearing is scheduled at 11:00 a.m. in room 311 Cannon House Office Building (Homeland Security Hearing Room). **View a Live Webcast of the Hearing**Please…
School security, gone digital
Steve Coulter provides a nice bird’s-eye view of data security at the k12 level in his coverage of a Ridgefield, Connecticut school board meeting: Craig Tunks, the district’s director of technology, presented a student data security and privacy update to the Board of Education on May 27, which highlighted how the district uses data, how…