From the press release: Common Sense Media, in partnership with The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, will convene a half-day School Privacy Zone summit on Monday, February 24, 2014, to discuss effective ways to safeguard student privacy in schools that use education technology for teaching and learning. The summit will take place at the Pew Conference…
Category: Youth & Schools
Student Data Privacy: No Free Hall Pass to Use Student Data
Karl Broder and John Hutchins of Troutman Sanders LLP give some background on FERPA and PPRA, and then reinforce some points made by Joel Reidenberg and his colleagues at Fordham CLIP: For example, a recent study by the Center of Law and Information Policy at Fordham Law School regarding the growing trend in school districts’ reliance on cloud…
CA: Student Data Privacy Bill Would Close a Loophole in Current Law
I’ve mentioned this California bill before, but here’s more on it, from Tanya Roscorla: A California bill seeks to close a loophole in federal and state privacy laws that allows companies to use student data for non-educational purposes. Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg introduced the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act on Thursday, Feb….
How some school ‘data walls’ violate U.S. privacy law
In today’s installment, the U.S. Education Dept. sidesteps a straightforward question of law. Valerie Strauss reports: After I wrote last week about “data walls” in public schools that often include lists of students and their test scores, readers asked whether such public displays of academic “achievement” — without parental permission — violate the federal student privacy law known as…