Student privacy is becoming a hot issue this year, and we’re seeing more bills intended to protect the security and privacy of student information. In today’s news, there are items from California, Maryland, Wyoming, and Wisconsin of note. For California, Natasha Singer reported: A leading California lawmaker plans to introduce state legislation on Thursday that would shore…
Category: Youth & Schools
Why New Zealand’s cyber-bullying bill is a good move – Steven Price
Steven Price is a Wellington barrister specialising in media law. He is the author of Media Minefield, a guide to media regulation in NZ and writes the Media Law Journal blog. He writes: A bill before the New Zealand parliament would allow judges to issue online take-down orders against bloggers and the media. I’m for it. Let me…
Facebook “Sponsored Stories” case update
Scott Michelman writes on Public Citizen: We’ve discussed before the case against Facebook’s Sponsored Stories program, which resulted in a settlement to which Public Citizen objected on behalf of a group of parents from around the country. See here for a description of our objections and the settlement. Chief among the settlement’s flaws is that it allows…
Google admits data mining student emails in its free education apps
I missed this at the time, but thankfully, Joe Cadillic didn’t and sent it along. Jeff Gould of Pewstone Research writes: When it introduced a new privacy policy designed to improve its ability to target users with ads based on data mining of their online activities, Google said the policy didn’t apply to students using…