Everywhere you look, you find inadequate protection of student information. There’s an interesting article in the London Evening Standard: Schools could be putting pupils’ personal data at risk by failing to store it securely, according to new research. The study suggests that schools are increasingly collecting students’ biometric data, such as fingerprints, but do not…
Category: Youth & Schools
Rebellion Erupts Over School’s Student-Chipping Plan
It may not be the Alamo, but some Texans are taking a stand for student privacy with the support of a number of organizations. Bob Unruh reports: A rebellion is developing in Texas against a plan by a school district in San Antonio that would monitor the exact location and activities of all students at…
Security vs. privacy is a tough call
For a glimpse into how college youth may be viewing the issue of “security vs. privacy,” see this editorial by the Independent Collegian: Cameras are being installed on campus for the safety and protection of the students and their property. These cameras are being installed primarily in the student and in other public places relevant…
EPIC Supports Moratorium on RFID Student Tracking
From EPIC.org: EPIC, along with Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN) and other leading privacy and civl liberties organizations, issued a Position Paper on the Use of RFID in Schools. Radio Frequency Identification is an identification tracking technology “designed to monitor physical objects,” such as commercial products, vehicles, and animals. Some school districts are proposing to…