Manasi Gopalakrishnan reports: The Delhi High Court issued new guidelines for the broadcast of news about children after a complaint about an infant who was shown on television as she was brought into a hospital with multiple injuries. The Indian media will not be allowed to reveal personal details of children who have been victimized…
Category: Youth & Schools
Big Brother is watching UAE’s kids: National ID cards roll-out
Emirati and expatriate children under the age of 15 across the country have to register for a national ID card by September 30 to avoid fines. There is however an exception for expatriate children whose visa is set to expire later this year…. Except the two exempted categories, most UAE residents have already registered for…
N.C. state judge issues decision in U. North Carolina FERPA case
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act does not protect records relating to the violation of NCAA rules regarding impermissible benefits received by student-athletes, a North Carolina judge has decided. In a memo issued Thursday, Superior Court Judge Howard Manning wrote that the University of North Carolina must release the “statements of facts” and reinstatement…
Get Tested Or Get Out: School Forces Pregnancy Tests on Girls, Kicks out Students Who Refuse or are Pregnant
Tiseme Zegeye writes: In a Louisiana public school, female students who are suspected of being pregnant are told that they must take a pregnancy test. Under school policy, those who are pregnant or refuse to take the test are kicked out and forced to undergo home schooling. Welcome to Delhi Charter School, in Delhi, Louisiana,…