Jennifer Radcliffe reports that State Rep. Sylvester Turner will seek to close a loophole in Texas law that makes personal information of juveniles charged with certain crimes accessible to the public. Read more on The Houston Chronicle.
Category: Youth & Schools
Hey Teacher (And Employer), Leave Those Facebook Passwords Alone
Kashmir Hill writes employers and schools demanding social network logins – including the ACLU Minnesota case I’ve been blogging about since yesterday. She writes, in part: The Minnesota high school student, at least, has a strong and relatively clear case. If there was no immediate threat posed by the sexy conversation she allegedly conducted…
Commentary: Teach your children well
Last night I read the complaint in the ACLU’s lawsuit against Minnwaska Area Schools. It left me absolutely livid that a public school district – once again – decided that it could discipline students in school for non-threatening off-campus speech. But the district’s egregious conduct did not stop there, it seems. District personnel allegedly also…
Is it all over but the conviction: Rutgers student admitted to invading Clementi’s privacy??
I don’t know that the prosecution has made its case for a hate crime, but as far as the privacy invasion charges go in the case of a Rutgers student, the student may have been the prosecution’s best witness. Gene Racz reports: After defense attorney Steven Altman showed the jury a tweet by Dharun Ravi…