Yes, this is a protected speech/First Amendment issue, but I have always considered attempts to regulate student activity when youth are not at school an over-reach and attempted abridgment of a child’s rights unless the off-campus speech or activity was a threat to do something on school premises. And yes, I realize the courts have…
Category: Youth & Schools
Marion County Schools to partner with Rank One Computing for new surveillance program
(Well, their headline said “for new safety program” but I fixed that for them) Last week, Madeline Edwards reported: Marion County Board of Education listened to a presentation about a facial recognition-based program that would serve as an extra safety measure within its schools. Superintendent of Marion County Schools, Dr. Donna Hage, said that she…
MI: Grand Blanc schools: Cameras in classrooms would violate student privacy
Genevieve O’Gara reports: Installing cameras in classrooms in the name of giving parents a window into their child’s education would violate the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act as well as Grand Blanc Community Schools’ policies, an attorney said at a July 19 board of education meeting. The Grand Blanc View reported that parents and a…
Survey Reveals Extent that Cops Surveil Students Online — in School and at Home
Mark Keierleber writes: When Baltimore students sign into their school-issued laptops, the police log on, too. Since the pandemic began, Baltimore City Public Schools officials have tracked students’ online lives with GoGuardian, a digital surveillance tool that promises to identify youth at risk of harming themselves or others. When GoGuardian flags students, their online activities are shared…