When Google created YAPF* yesterday, I figured I’d wait a bit until the dust settled before covering it. The dust settled within 24 hours, as Byron Acohido reports: Google has rescinded its requirement for parents to divulge part of their childrens’ Social Security number, along with other Personally Identifiable Information, in order to participate in…
Category: Youth & Schools
Kids Don’t Deserve Privacy; Snooping Is a Must
Janelle Harris is not only a snooping mom, but she’s proud of it and wants the world to know that Moms should snoop – often: As far as I’m concerned, kids don’t have privacy and it doesn’t really matter what grade they’re in. So long as my name is on that 12-inch-tall stack of papers…
Student GPS Tracking Company: We’re Not Big Brother
Gabriel Perna reports on a GPS system for truant students that was mentioned previously on this blog: A company that provides GPS tracking devices to parents for tracking their kids is not an invasion of privacy. Travis Knox, chief executive at AIM Truancy Solutions, offers school administrators a cell-phone like device that keeps tabs on…
Kids who skip school are tracked by GPS
Eric Carpenter reports: Frustrated by students habitually skipping class, police and school officials in Anaheim are turning to GPS tracking to ensure they come to class. The Anaheim Union High School District is the first in California to test Global Positioning System technology as part of a six-week pilot program that began last week, officials…