Derrick Nunnally reports: The letter from Lower Merion school administrators delivered the news three weeks ago – her son had been secretly monitored by the webcam on his school-issued laptop. But only when Fatima Hasan saw the evidence did the scope of the spying on her son Jalil become apparent. There were more than 1,000…
Category: Youth & Schools
UK: Children ‘should be allowed trial anonymity appeal right’
PA Media Lawyer writes: Children and young people who appear in Crown Court trials should have a statutory right to appeal against a judge’s decision to allow their identification, the Law Commission has recommended. The proposal would mirror the right given to any “aggrieved person” – including the media – to appeal against a reporting…
Schools risk theft of SS numbers of children
Matthew Cella reports: Schools are putting children at risk of identity fraud by obtaining their Social Security numbers when it is not required by law and often unnecessary, the Social Security Administration’s Office of Inspector General has concluded. Some school systems in at least 26 states collect the nine-digit identifiers when students from kindergarten through…
Cn:New Rule Guards Minors’ Privacy in Chongqing
Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality has banned parents from breaking their children’s privacy, including internet chat records and text messages, the Chongqing Evening News reports. The regulation on the protection of minors was adopted by the municipal legislature on Friday and will go into effect on September 1, when the new semester begins. No institution or…