If you are thinking of using the Google/Verily screening program to see if you are eligible for COVID-19 testing, I urge you to read this Twitter thread started by Natasha Singer of the New York Times. It begins:
If you fill out a coronavirus screening questionnaire at a doctors’ office, hospital or through an appointment with a telemedicine provider, your medical data is covered by HIPAA.
Verily/Google, not so much: pic.twitter.com/mYkWFiZ2mv— Natasha Singer (@natashanyt) March 16, 2020
Update: Verily said that having people sign in with their Google account allows it to connect them with tools — like electronic screening — it has built for Project Baseline, its research effort to collect comprehensive health data and map human health.
— Natasha Singer (@natashanyt) March 16, 2020
Read more of the thread on Twitter.