Masha Borak reports:
Since my personal information has been posted online, I get a lot of hidden phone calls,” said David, a victim of Hong Kong’s recent doxxing boom.
David, an alias used to avoid bringing further unwanted attention, had his private information leaked on a website that targets Hong Kong protesters and anyone thought to support them.
And he’s not alone. Hundreds of people on both sides of the conflict in Hong Kong have had their sensitive personal data posted online, from protesters to police, activists to government officials.
In David’s case, alongside his own date of birth, phone number and address, the site also shows the name of his parents and their addresses.
Read more on Abacus.
None of “David’s” information seems all that sensitive.
In the US, it would be almost certainly on public documents if he owned any property.
I have a unique name in the world. Finding my parents would be trivial for anyone. Name’s are not “private.”
Of course, I’m cautious to avoid using my real name online where it isn’t necessary and I don’t “out” my friends by using huge, centralized, cloudy services for email or social networking.