David Navaretta writes:
Congressman Bobby Rush has introduced a new data privacy bill to Congress known as the “Building Effective Strategies to Promote Responsibility Accountability Choice Transparency Innovation Consumer Expectations and Safeguards” Act (a.k.a. “BEST PRACTICES Act” or “Act”). Congressman Rush has been active in the data security/privacy legislation space. In December of 2009, his “Data Accountability and Trust Act” or (“DATA Act”) passed the House of Representatives. While DATA focused more on data security and breach notice, the stated focus of the BEST PRACTICES Act is as follows:
To foster transparency about the transparency about the commercial use of personal information, provide consumers with meaningful choice about the collection, use, and disclosure of such information, and for other purposes.
This Act comes on the heels of the Boucher Bill, which also represents a comprehensive data privacy approach (for more information on the reactions to the Boucher Bill you can look here and here).
We have put together a summary of the Act in “FAQ” format.
Read more on Information Law Group.