If you’re a Floridian, heads up – look into this amendment more and see what you think. Then contact your state legislator. Sometimes 10 words that can seem innocuous or innocent can have devastating consequences.
Xander Peters reports:
An amendment proposed by the state’s Constitution Revision Commission could erode privacy protections between Florida’s government and its citizens, says one of the lawmakers who wrote the state’s 1980 privacy amendment.
Sponsored by CRC appointee John Stemberger and drafted by former Florida Supreme Court Justice Kenneth Bell, the amendment proposes to add 10 words to the state’s privacy provision: “with respect to privacy of information and the disclosure thereof.” But according to Jon Mills – a University of Florida law professor, former Speaker of the Florida House and 1998 CRC appointee – those same 10 words could lead to government intrusion into the lives of the Sunshine State’s citizens, particularly in areas like marriage, sexual relationships, activities within the home or medical decisions, such as abortion.
Read more on Orlando Weekly.