Ever see a coffee mug or t-shirt with a sweet message about sisters being best friends? We probably won’t find any in one Gloucester family, where one sister has used her sister’s identity when charged with crimes – twice. Indeed, the very first sentence in the news report give s a clue that we’re not dealing with the usual suspect. Nick Curcuru reports in the Gloucester Daily Times:
A Gloucester woman already facing criminal charges for running down a nun in Ipswich and giving police her sister’s identification instead of her own was sentenced to six months in jail by Judge Joseph Jennings on charges that she was involved in a separate accident — and gave police her sister’s identification.
Read more of the news report here.
Running down a nun? I hope the nun’s fully recovered. And does anyone remember Mary Kay Place’s line in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman where after they hit a carload of nuns, she asks if that’s a sin and her husband answers, “Only if you’re a Catholic.” Sorry, but it was funny if you were a fan of the show, which had quite a cult following back then.