In an OpEd in the New York Times, Thomas Friedman writes that four words are going bye-bye. One of those words is “privacy.”
On Twitter, a lot of people think Friedman is over. Here’s some of what I saw in my tweet stream:
In @nytopinion, @tomfriedman argues foolishly that privacy is dead; he should read this debunking of that myth:
— Neil Richards (@neilmrichards) May 21, 2014
Good grief, @tomfriedman has declared privacy “over.” I hope he walks his talk and posts his IRS tax returns online.
— Julia Angwin (@JuliaAngwin) May 21, 2014
A worthy cause indeed. Please help @jilliancyork troll Thomas Friedman’s annual Conference on Emerging Idiocy.
— Popehat (@Popehat) May 21, 2014
Tom Friedman says “privacy is over, local is over, average is over and later is over.” He’s been over for years.
— Dan Gillmor (@dangillmor) May 21, 2014