Heshie Brody writes:
We had a baby recently and my wife and I were online shopping for breast pumps. Our health insurance company website redirected me to a website named aeroflowbreastpumps.com where they had a form that I could input my insurance details and this website would take care of the billing for me and have my insurance pay for it.
I filled out the form but did not submit the form yet since my wife wanted to get some more feedback on which model we were going to purchase.
Approximately 10 minutes later I got an email from “aeroflowbreastpumps.com” telling me how close I am to qualifying for a breast pump.
Read more on Heshiebee.
This is quite common, and yes, it’s very concerning to know that even if you choose not to give your email address or not to complete a transaction, they know who you are and where you are and what you were considering.
Heshie is quick to point out that he’s not accusing anyone of illegal conduct. But the fact that it might be legal is a bigger concern.
This is where we need regulations that limit what companies can do. This simply cannot be put on consumers to protect themselves from all possible threats that they may not even consider.
Thanks to Joe Cadillic for sending this one along.